Electric grill / Grill & smoking oven

Our electric smoking ovens are both efficient and easy to use when you have access to an electrical outlet. Smoking food in an electric smoking oven with a thermostat is neither difficult nor complicated. With a good smoking oven and smoking chips, you'll be up and running in no time, testing your favourite flavours.

Muurikka electric smoking oven

Our electric smoking ovens are both efficient and easy to use when you have access to an electrical outlet. The same goes for the Grill and Smoking ovens, which are also electrically powered and can be used both for grilling and smoking food. Smoking food in an electric smoking oven with a thermostat is neither difficult nor complicated. With a good smoking oven and smoking chips, you'll be up and running in no time, testing your favourite flavours. Muurikka electric smoking oven 1200w pro is a real favourite. Try smoking fish, meat and vegetables – your imagination is the only limit. The Recipes tab on this website includes a recipe for smoked mackerel – a real summer classic which is both simple and delicious.

Flavourful smoking chips

Our smoking chips are made from alder, beech, cherry and apple. We also have chips made from oak barrels used for storing whiskey and cognac. They produce different kinds of smokiness and also have various flavours and sweet aromas. Try them all and find your favourite.

Electric Table Grill

We also have an electric table grill, which is convenient for grilling at home on the porch or when you’re at the campsite with access to an electrical outlet. The electric grill heats up quickly and has the advantage of less smoke and odour than a charcoal or gas grill. If you live in an apartment, you can cook food on the balcony with an electric grill, where regular grills aren’t allowed. The rules vary, so always check with your landlord or housing association before you start cooking.


Our grill and smoking basket is a practical accessory for all our smoking ovens and grills. It is a fine mesh basket with a non-stick coating that lets you cook small pieces of meat or vegetables in your smoking oven or grill without them falling through the grill grid. Available in two different sizes. We also have practical drip guards that protect the surface from grease dripping from the smoking oven.