Gas burner 100/120 cm

ART.NR: 54190130

Enameled gas burner with three gas rings. The gas burner features control knobs with integrated ignition and clear markings, making it easy to determine the amount of heat distributed across the cooking surface. The heat is individually adjustable on the three gas rings, allowing for different temperature zones. Power output: 22.9 kW Gas consumption: 1637–1666 g/h
  Article Number DBNo NobbNo Name Type Designation Surface StockUnit CC A mm B mm C mm Dmm Emm ScrewThread MaxWeight Height Length Diameter DoorReturnSpring OtherInformation Color
54190100 Gas burner 48 cm
54190110 Gas burner 58 cm
54190120 Gas burner 78 cm
54190130 Gas burner 100/120 cm